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So Much Hope to Give
There is so much hope to give, and so many ways to give it. From making a single donation to becoming a monthly donor — or simply praying for the many children and adults we serve — your support has a great impact on our mission.
Gratitude For Our Donors Who Have Helped Make A Difference
How Donations Are Allocated

FijiLIFE is committed to being completely transparent with you. From every $1 gift, 97c goes straight to our Fiji Charities to provide education and medical care and poverty alleviation to those who have no other hope. As little as 3c is set aside for the cost of raising funds and overhead expenses.
Where does the money come from?
Most of our donations come from regular people who generously give whatever they can, as small or as large as that amount may be. Money donated to FijiLIFE Foundation comes from many areas of the community, including individuals, organisations, and wills and bequests.
Why you should tell others how much you donate to charity
The decision to donate to a philanthropic cause is often not made in isolation, but the result of a social process, says Dr Pamala Wiepking, Professor Civil Society and Philanthropy of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). From seeing or hearing about the donations of others, people not only learn that this is something positive you can do with your money, it also teaches them how pleasant it can be to contribute to charity.
First, seeing others get a warm and fuzzy feeling about themselves after ‘doing good’ can be inspiring and lead people to copy this behaviour. But donating also lets people come across as ‘pro-social’ and caring about others, a desired quality that increases social status, Wiepking continues.
Culture of philanthropy
All in all, charities would benefit when people discuss when and how much they donate. Silence about this topic can be traced back to the protestant religious heritage. In this tradition, you typically don’t talk about income or wealth, and the matter of donating to charity was something between ‘you and God’. If we want to create a more open culture of philanthropy, we must overcome this hesitancy and start talking to each other about our donations, Wiepking concludes.
FijiLIFE Foundation will gratefully acknowledge all gifts received.
Make a Donation Today
Giving ONline
FijiLIFE Uses as our online donation platform. It is a trusted technology company unlocking the world’s generosity potential by optimizing how people give. More than 3,000 charities from around the world optimize their donor experiences using Fundraise Up’s modern giving tools.
Everybody has an ability and willingness to give — FundraiseUp call it their generosity potential. Their mission is to unlock this potential by optimizing how people give.
Credit Cards are a popular way for donors to give online. Through Stripe, Fundraise Up supports global and local card networks and direct bank debits, and personalises the giving experience for every donor.
Giving By Bank Transfer
Donors can make their gift to FijiLIFE using a bank transfer. If you are using this method, please provide us with your nominated project/charity you wish to donate to.
Here are the bank transfer details:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name:
FijiLIFE Foundation Limited
BSB: 064430
Account Number: 011630430
How Donations Are Used
Gifts to FijiLIFE are directed to registered charities in Fiji to support significant projects to relieve the sickness, suffering, misfortune, education, or poverty of people in need.
Our Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) places particular focus on projects for charities who have signed an MOU with FijiLIFE Foundation.
All FijiLIFE projects need to:
- Be compliant with Australian tax law
- Address one or more of our causes
- Meet the well-researched needs of the group being assisted
- Be demonstrably sustainable in the long term
Projects must be evaluated and reported upon after completion, to ensure compliance with these requirements and to confirm that the funds have been used as agreed. Our large donors receive copies of these reports. FijiLIFE Foundation will ensure that projects undertaken in Fiji are compliant with Australian tax law.