Make A Gift To The FijiLIFE Foundation Operations Fund

fijilife operations fund

The Need by Dr Mike Gosling

Our poor, disadvantaged, and needy people in Fiji need hope, love, and service more than ever. FijiLIFE Foundation is an Australian Registered DGR Charity founded in 2021 to bring better living better life to Fijians.

April 15, 2023

The key to our success… Your gifts enable us to serve, care, and act to inspire positive lasting change in individuals and empower communities across Fiji through a range of diverse projects


Raised so far

Fund Raising Goal

Make A Gift To The FijiLIFE Foundation Operations Fund

FijiLIFE Foundation is a non-political and non-religious organisation.

Charities registered with the ACNC must operate on a not-for-profit basis. Generally, a not-for-profit is an organisation that does not operate for the profit, personal gain, or other benefit of people such as the charity’s members, employees, responsible persons, or their friends or relatives.

Running a professional, sustainable, and effective charity costs money, which includes spending money on administration. Donating to our Operations Fund helps us cover the expenses of operating the charity including the costs of renting an office, supplying it with electricity and water, purchasing and maintaining an IT system, travel & accommodation, and the salaries of the CEO and office staff who do not provide services directly to clients. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more.

When you make a gift to FijiLIFE Foundation Operations, you are helping to cover the costs of running the charity directly. This recognises the parts of FijiLIFE’s operations that enable it to deliver services, so that we can give to our charitable purposes.

Directors are volunteers who exercise proper care and diligence and not be wasteful, so practically every dollar you give goes straight to the front line. Our promise is to strive to keep operational costs below 3% of funds received.

This is a challenge we can win together.

FijiLIFE Foundation Operations Fund

donate today

FijiLIFE Foundation in partnership with several registered Fiji Charities will raise funds for poor, disadvantaged, and needy Fijians in urban and rural parts of Fiji. The FijiLIFE Foundation Operations Fund will provide these services for better living, better life in Fiji.

Please show your support for the health and well-being of needy people in Fiji.

Making a gift today will help provide the fund raising and delivery of medical and educational equipment so desperately needed in Fiji.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

Help create a better future for Fijians today.

For more information, contact FijiLIFE Foundation  >>

Make Your Gift Here


Help Fund FijiLIFE Operations with a tax-deductible gift so you can make the biggest impact possible!

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