Residents have multiple disabilities and require a higher level of care not available in the other rest homes in Fiji
Raised so far
Fund Raising Goal
Chanel Home of Compassion was established in 1952. Perched high on a tract of land on the Tamavua Ridge at 270 Princess Road in Tamavua, in Suva, Fiji, the Home is a 30-bed, not-for-profit charitable organization that provides for sick, frail elderly, severely disabled and disadvantaged people from multiple ethnic and religious backgrounds. The Home’s residents have multiple disabilities and require a high level of care not available in the other rest homes in Fiji.
During 1899 in response to an appeal from Bishop Julien Vidal, the Home’s Foundress Suzanne Aubert, offered to send Sisters of Compassion to Fiji from New Zealand. Unfortunately, the Bishop’s reply sent to her through the intermediary of Archbishop Redwood was not delivered, and the new apostolate planned was given to another group.
Forty-six years later, during March 1945, Bishop Foley invited the Sisters of Compassion to establish a Home of Compassion in Fiji but it was not until the 21 May 1949 that the Sisters accepted the Bishop’s invitation to work in Fiji. The Sisters moved into Chanel Home of Compassion – Fiji on the 14 April 1952.
The present site and old house was purchased from Sir Hugh and Lady Ragg, where thirteen residents and four Sisters lived. In 1970, a large donation from Sir Morris and Lady Hedstrom enabled a new ward to be built for twenty-four residents. It was a new wing comprising about six wards.
Further buildings were added in 1985 to provide a Convent Kitchen and Chapel when the old house was demolished. During the past decade, these buildings have been completely renovated and two new wings, service rooms and an administration area have been added to allow for thirty residents. The funding for the buildings has come from New Zealand and Australia, while the Home has applied to local and overseas charities for hospital beds and other medical equipment.
FijiLIFE Foundation is proud to support the Chanel Home of Compassion by raising $13,000 to ship a container of medical and hospital equipment gifted by Rotary Donations In Kind from Adelaide Australia to Suva.

Sisters of Compassion community 2003: Srs. Emi Frances, Veronica Paul, Lusiana Raratini, Josefa Tikosolomoni, Kalausia (Tonga) & Jane Williams.

“We are not called to do all the good that is possible, but only what we can do.” – Mother Suzanne Aubert, our foundress.
Chanel Home of Compassion is a not-for-profit charitable nursing Home that provides for sick, frail elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Chanel Home of Compassion video — Meet Household Coordinator Imelda Saverio who talks about her role at Chanel Home of Compassion and what a typical work day is like.
The Chanel Home of Compassion strives to ensure their service best fits the needs of their residents, and honours their vision and mission.
The vision of the Chanel Home of Compassion – Fiji is a people, following the rogo kaci/call of Christ, in the spirit of Suzanne Aubert. Their mission is to bring the yalo ni loloma/spirit of love, care and compassion to all by managing Congregation resources so that the Spirit and work of the Sisters of Compassion can continue.
The Home is guided by their Values:
Divine providence
We do our part and let God do His.
We work in an open and simple manner.
Action with the poor
Our primary concern is to support the most disadvantaged.
We recognise the rights and intrinsic good of all.
We will develop and nurture partnerships.

The total budget for sending a gifted Rotary Donations In Kind container from Adelaide to Suva is about $15,000. That is up from $3,700 pre-covid. Help us get these medical and hospital equipment supplies to the residents in need.
Please show your support for the residents of the Chanel Home of Compassion.
Your gift today can help provide the best possible facilities, equipment and services for their care, six of whom have been with the home since childhood and are now in their 60s – 70s.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.
Help create a better future for for sick and frail elderly residents with multiple disabilities who need a high level of care.
Make Your Gift Here
Help Chanel Home of Compassion with a tax-deductible gift so you can make the biggest impact possible!
Serving The Needs Of The Disabled Since 1952
The Sisters of Compassion, a Catholic religious order has been serving the needs of the disabled and disadvantaged elderly in Fiji since 1952. Their local Sisters of Compassion manage the Home and continue to work actively towards improving the conditions of the residents.
Their work includes:
— Long term residential care for the sick and frail elderly, including private residents
— Day care and respite care for seniors and disabled to relieve caregivers and family
— Palliative care for the terminally ill
— Chaplaincy ministry to Colonial War Memorial (CWM) and Oceania Hospitals
Venerable Suzanne Aubert
Marie Henriette Suzanne Aubert was born on 19 June 1835 in St-Symphorien-de-Lay near Lyon in France. In 1859 Bishop Pompallier visits his home town of Lyon to recruit missionaries for his Auckland diocese. Suzanne accepts his invitation and set sail for New Zealand on 4 September 1860 on a whaling ship unsuitable for passengers – and on a voyage that would test her courage. On 14 October 1892, Archbishop Redwood in France appoints Suzanne as Mother Superior of the newly established Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion. Land is bought in Wellington’s Island Bay for a new children’s home and a fundraising committee is formed. In 1907 the Home of Compassion is opened, initially for the care of children and babies. On 1 October 1926 at the age of 91, Suzanne Aubert died, surrounded by her Sisters.
The spirit of Suzanne Aubert lives on today in the work of the Sisters of Compassion. At the time of Suzanne Aubert’s death there were 70 Sisters of Compassion. In the 1930s, true to her plans, many sisters qualified as nurses and over the years sisters gained further qualifications in specialist areas including the care of disabled children.
Today, the Sisters of Compassion continue to work actively from 1926 towards the relief of human suffering. They are engaged in social work, pastoral care, prison and hospital chaplaincies, education, working with refugee and disadvantaged migrant communities, residential and home care of the sick and the elderly and support of people developing home gardens. Chanel Nursing Home in Fiji is managed by the Sisters with the help of an advisory board.