JP Bayly Trust Sponsor A Family Welfare Pack

jp bayly trust food help

The Need by Dr Mike Gosling

Our poor, disadvantaged, and needy people in Fiji need hope, love, and service more than ever. FijiLIFE Foundation is an Australian Registered DGR Charity founded in 2021 to bring better living better life to Fijians.

April 12, 2023

JP Bayly Trust’s “Welfare Initiative” to provide needy Fiji families with family food and vanity packs


Raised so far

Fund Raising Goal

The JP Bayly Trust is a Registered Charitable Trust established in 1954 by the late Mr. John Percy Bayly OBE and the Rev. Dr. George Hemming OF, MBE. It provides much needed assistance to the less priviledged families in Fiji.

The JP Bayly Trust activities are funded by annual returns on its investments as well as donations from local individuals and business houses. It is managed by a Board of Trustees comprising respectable persons of Suva and Nadi.

The Trust provides for the welfare of the less fortunate and needy with basic medical care, food and clothing for their families, as well as education for their children in Fiji.

The welfare centre gives out monthly food packs, footwear, bedding and clothes throughout the year to the less fortunate families. A total of 1000 needy households receive support each year.

The FijiLIFE Foundation has formed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The JP Bayly Trust to raise funds that will enable JP Bayly Trust deliver 100 small and 100 large ‘food pack for the day’ to needy families, each containing 14 different essential food items for a total of $14,600.


Anyone seeking assistance from the JP Bayly Trust is not turned away empty handed.

The Managers interview/assess the cases in the Welfare office, take notes and provide a ‘food pack for the day’.
The new cases must provide medical, death and/or other certificates for verification and a copy is kept in the file.

The Manager then visits that family within a week of them seeking assistance and if there is enough evidence for it to be a ‘genuine case’, he/she puts a proposal to the Welfare Committee requesting assistance be provided to them. Depending on the family size, the Committee will decide whether that case qualifies for a single ration or double ration.

JP Bayly single ration consists of 2kg Flour, 2kg Rice, 500g Spilt Peas, 1kg Sugar, 1pkt Tea leaves, 500ml Cooking Oil, 500g Blue Peas, 2x 5.5oz Tin Fish, 1pkt Biscuits, 300g Washing Soap, 1 Bathing Soap, 1doz Eggs, 200g Salt, 1kg Potatoes, 500g Onions, 500g Powdered Milk, Rolled Oats, 1 ltr Kerosene and in Double Ration, everything is same except for double Flour, Rice, Sugar, Rolled Oats and Tin Fish.

eyes and ears screening jp bayly

Children were excited to have their eyes and ears screened for free by the Project Heaven Trust, in conjunction with the JP Bayly Trust Suva Welfare Centre in Suva before they are referred to doctors.

jp bayly trust

MORE than 114 children who have been assisted under Bayly Trust’s Welfare and Education Centre got an opportunity to enjoy themselves at the Bayly Trust Fun Day at St Mathew’s Anglican Church. They also met Paralympics Gold Medallist Iliesa Delana, who was an inspiration to most of them.

jp bayly trust

The food items given to our recipients are analysed by the National Food & Nutrition Centre every 3 to 5 years.

The last report of 2019 from the Centre stated that, “The food given by the Trust provided all the basic nutrients in varying amounts.

The basic food constituents of the current food rations appear sufficiently varied and appropriate, given the family situation. JP Bayly Trust is achieving its goal.

The basic food items in the current food pack appear adequate in terms of providing some amount of essential nutrients”.

We purchase food items in bulk and repack into small and large packs. Apart from casual staff we have some committee members and volunteers in each Centre who assist in repacking and distribution of the food parcels.

The distribution days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and field visits are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays.

Each Welfare case is reviewed on a three monthly basis. The Managers are allocated a vehicle each to carry out field and home visits.

You Need Someone to Help You Climb the Mountains

When you are facing problems, it is not easy to be alone. I would like to thank the Bayly Welfare Labasa center for the tremendous work that they have being doing in providing welfare, medical and educational needs of the underprivileged people in our society. I Kala Wati am one of those who has being helped by the center since 1999.

My husband was a very hard working man and used to work on nearby farms in order to feed and clothe his family. Later he had surgery to one of his legs and because he was suffering from diabetics the wound would not heel so he was unable to work anymore. I did not know what to do, where to go for help and it was as if everything was coming an end. No one was there to help us as I was also sickly. We had only 1 daughter whom we thought would help us but she got married to a cane cutter and had 4 children of her own to take care of. We could not rely on her and $60.00 from Social Welfare department was not enough for us. We were very fortunate that our home was built by the Red Cross.

One day after visiting town my husband told me there is a place that looks after the less fortunate people and that was the Bayly Welfare. I really burst into tears as I knew from deep within my heart that there will always be someone of some organization who will help when during difficult times. My husband passed away in 2004 and until now I am still assisted with food rations, clothes, bedding, etc. Many thanks goes to the Bayly Welfare for caring for people like us and may you continue with your good work to improve the living standards of the poor. Remember service to mankind is service to God. May God Bless you all.

Kala Wati – Vunika Labasa

Wife & Mother

Many times life does not turn out to be what we initially hope and thrive for in our earlier years – then due to wrong choices made in life and various other factors, families find themselves in hopeless and vulnerable situations. Statistics in the country have shown that many people in Fiji live below the poverty line. The term ‘capacity building’ today seems to be the way forward for people in these situations. We must empower children with positive discipline and proper education. Education is the only way out of poverty. Education in school cannot be fully effective unless the education in the home is fully exhausted. Thus the role of parents has always been important. I personally express my deepest gratitude to the Bayly Trust for their unfailing support in ensuring families like mine are provided the education, medical assistance and welfare benefits needed to raise our children to be great Fiji citizens of tomorrow.

Sponsor A Family Food Pack

FijiLIFE Foundation has joined JP Bayly’s “food pack for the day” initiative to provide needy Fiji families with 100 large or small food and vanity family packs over three months.

A large family pack that serves 5+ members costs JP Bayly FJD$90 per month or FJD$270 for three months. This is approximately AUD$180 for one family pack a month for three months. Similarly, a small family pack costs FJD$56 per month or FJD$168 (AUD$113) for three months. So FijiLIFE Foundation’s “JP Bayly Family Pack” fund raising total Campaign Goal of AUD$14,600.

“Welfare Initiative” to raise $14,600 to provide needy Fiji families with food and vanity family packs

FijiLIFE Foundation will raise $14,600 for JP Bayly Trust 100 large family packs at FJD$90 each and 100 small family packs at FJD$56 so families in the west, central, and northern divisions receive monthly food packs. A number of these are “walk ins”; families suffering breadwinner job losses.

Donate today to gift Fiji families with JP Bayly Family Food Packs 

JP Bayly support and supply around 400 families each month and also cater for on iff walk ins. The delivery of monthly packs are undertaken by JP Bayly staff.

The total fund raising goal for the FijiLIFE Foundation “JP Bayly Welfare Initiative” is $14,600.00.

JP Bayly Trust

A brief on the JP BAYLY TRUST and its Activities

The JP Bayly Trust was established in 1954 by the late John Percy Bayly OBE and the Rev. Dr. George Hemming OF, MBE. The Trust provides mush assistance to the least privileged families in Fiji. The Trust has traditionally depended mainly on local donations supplemented by returns on its investments to carry out its welfare activities.

It is managed by a Board of Trustees comprising respectable Fijians willing to donate their time to this worthy cause. Current Trustees: Claude Digby Bossley (Chairman), Anne Nacola, Barry Whiteside, Dr. Rufina Latu, and Rex Horoi.

Each of its three regional Centres in Suva, Lautoka and Labasa, are administered by a local Committee comprising dedicated persons from the community, who also generously volunteer their time.

Each Centre has a Manager, employed by the Trust, who are supported by one or two staff. The overall day to day operations of the Trust comes under our General Manager, Mr. John Yee, operating out of the Bayly Head Office at 193 Rodwell Road, Bayly House, Suva.

Each Regional Centre operates a Medical Clinic, as well as Welfare and Education provisions for our registered families.

The Clinic provides free consultation as well as medication to over 400 families who are registered with the Trust while the Welfare arm provides weekly and monthly food rations as well as clothes to these families.

The Education arm assists all the children of these families in their pre-school, primary and secondary education by way of provision of free uniforms, footwear, text and exercise books. Also, a number of children in the tertiary institutions have their fees and other needs paid for by the Trust.

JPBT’s financial year ends on 31st December and their accounts are audited by Ernst and Young. The latest audited accounts can be made available for your perusal upon request.

For more information, contact JP Bayly Trust  >>

jp bayly trust

We provide food supplies for those who cannot afford it.

jp bayly medical assistance

We provide medical assistance to the less fortunate of our society.

Please show your support for Fiji families battling severe and unprecedented hardship. Your gift today means a welfare and vanity pack for 5+ family members each month for three months from the JP Bayly Trust to families under their care.

All gifts over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

Help create a better future for those sole family breadwinners who have lost jobs and where both partners within the family have lost their jobs.

Make Your Gift Here


Help JP Bayly Trust Fiji with a tax-deductible gift so you can make the biggest impact possible!

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